Assemblage > Sweet Hexagon

Sweet Hexagon


14" x 12" x 4"


Vintage kimono fabric, vintage obi fabric, used jeans, thread, wire, beads, nails, hexagon wooden frame

With my previous assemblage “Sweet,” I expressed my thoughts for my daughter who has Japanese lineage, but grew up in the U.S. The vintage silk kimono fabric and obi fabric represent the symbolic traditional dress of Japan. The fabric of jeans represents the symbolic clothes of the U.S. to me. This combination represents the aspect of the cultural duality in my child’s life. My thought is that she and other people who have similar multiple cultural backgrounds would have a positive identity as a unique and beautiful person.
With “Sweet Hexagon”, I assembled this combination in a hexagon-shaped frame. The shape of hexagons makes me think about the mysteries of nature and the wonders of creation. Hexagons are efficient and can fit together without gaps, which makes them ideal for storing materials such as honey without wasting space and energy. I was especially interested in the theory that hexagonal shapes in nature are created and perfectly aligned by sound vibrations.
I am inspired to believe that the healthy self-identity of people with multiple cultural backgrounds, like my daughter, and of human beings in general, can be fully and masterfully formed by letting the sounds of nature in the hands of creation take their course.