Assemblage > Gifts, Unum

2024, 24" x 38" x 2", diptych

Used t-shirts, red threads, wires, beads, marking pins, woodblock, velvet fabric, shadow boxes

With my previous installation “Gift,” I expressed the mysteries of meeting people at a certain time and a certain place, which do not look like coincidences. Based on this idea of "Gift," I created the assemblage diptych piece “Gifts, Unum.” This work expresses my pondering thought, “those above and those below appear to be separate from each other but are actually one.” Unum is “one” in Latin. I assembled them in the shadow boxes, which represent treasure boxes to me. The inclusion of beads represents my wish to treasure the moment of meeting people that I consider as gifts. Marking pins, in Japanese called "waiting pins," are used to hold the beads in place, but also represent different tenses.